Join us as we spend a weekend enjoying miniatures, fall weather, friends, food, fun, and more miniatures! October 18-20 miniaturists will escape to the West GA countryside for a few days away from the hustle and bustle of the big city. We’ll be at the Woodland Christian Camp and Retreat Center in lovely Temple GA, about an hour west of Atlanta, off I-20. (See Retreat Center pics at the bottom of this page).
We’re looking forward to a Friday Night Project in three scales after dinner, classes all day Saturday, some country entertainment after dinner, souvenirs, sales tables, raffles, and all kinds of fun! Sunday morning we’ll draw the raffles and have the results of our silent auction, with auction proceeds going to charity.
The price of the FULL WEEKEND registration includes five hot meals in the dining hall, and two nights in the 14-person bunk rooms. Participants need to bring their pillows, sheets, and towels. Feeling youthful? Upper bunks are available by request and come with a special little gift!
We have an optional Friday Night Project and a full day of classes in the large classroom building (see tentative schedule, below). Payment for classes is separate. Contact the instructor to register and pay them directly. You must be registered for the retreat before you can register for classes.
Space is limited and registration is "first come, first served".
DAY PASSES now available - local hotels are within a 20-minute drive.
How to register:
Paypal -
Check payable to Atlanta Miniature Society.
Contact with any questions
Meal times are estimates! We will be assigned meal times closer to the date.
Arrive 4-6 PM, register, settle in
6PM Dinner
7-??? Friday night project
Morning classes
Afternoon classes
Crafts, Roundtables and Shopping!
Crafts, Roundtables and Shopping!
Special activity
8AM Breakfast
Raffle and Silent auction results
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